It’s nice to see democracy being excised instead of politicians running amok and shutting their electorate out of having a say against  decisions that would ramifications on them for years to come. In Germany’s case, there are calls for a referendum on the Fiscal Compact and ESM and failing that, there will be a constitutional challenge. I don’t think the German people are to keen on giving away their own sovereignty to unelected bankers.

And the plan was going so well. The plan, of course, being to dispose of German budget sovereignty and transfer decision-making authority to a fully immune organization seated in Luxembourg, which just happens to be a tax haven, in the process stripping not only all of Europe, but also Germany of sovereignty, with the ESM being run by a few bankers, held accountable to no one(explained here). German FAZ has just announced that jurists and 2 political parties in Germany are going to appeal to the Constitutional Court, and demand an end of the Merkel Fiscal pact and the ESM, both of which have been implemented without so much as an inquiry as to what the people think, those millions of ever angrier Germans we wrote about back in July. That may be finally changing.

From Frankfurter Allgemeine, google translated:

The bailout policy of the Chancellor in the debt crisis is once more faced adversity: The former Justice Minister Herta Däubler-Gmelin wants to appeal, together with other planned permanent constitutional complaint against the euro rescue ESM and the European fiscal pact. The Alliance, comprised of the organization “more democracy” also belong to the liberal voters and the party ÖDP, has announced the appeal in the event that there is no referendum on the ESM and the Fiscal Pact to tighten fiscal discipline in 25 of the 27 EU countries will be.

Main criticisms are loud Däubler-Gmelin, the ESM that the question of liability remains high in Germany remains unclear. With the euro rescue package and the Fiscal Pact, the fiscal and legal control of the German parliament would be unduly curtailed. “The Rubicon is crossed towards a European federal state”, the constitutional lawyer Christoph Degenhart said on Thursday in Berlin. The law professor at the University of Leipzig, together with the former Federal Minister of Justice for action leaders announced a constitutional complaint.


The initiative calls for referendums on ESM and fiscal pact in all affected countries. “There must be a broad public debate on democracy in Europe which remains for enough time.” The initiative aims to submit its application for ratification of ESM and Fiscal Pact.

 I wish them luck 🙂

Source: ZeroHedge